

English syllables. 2014.

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  • attainder — at·tain·der /ə tān dər/ n [Anglo French atteinder, from ateindre to convict, sentence, literally, to reach, attain, ultimately from Latin attingere to reach, from ad to + tangere to touch]: the termination of the civil rights of a person upon a… …   Law dictionary

  • Attainder — • An Act of Parliament for putting a man to death or for otherwise punishing him without trial in the usual form Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Attainder     Attainder      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Attainder — At*tain der, n. [OF. ataindre, ateindre, to accuse, convict. Attainder is often erroneously referred to F. teindre tie stain. See {Attaint}, {Attain}.] 1. The act of attainting, or the state of being attainted; the extinction of the civil rights… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • attainder — [ə tān′dər] n. [ME atteindre < Anglo Fr atteinder, inf. used as n. < OFr ataindre (see ATTAIN); sense infl. by ME atteinten, ATTAINT] 1. forfeiture of property and loss of civil rights of a person sentenced to death or outlawed: see BILL OF …   English World dictionary

  • attainder — (n.) extinction of rights of a person sentenced to death or outlaw, mid 15c., from noun use of O.Fr. ataindre to touch upon, strike, hit, seize, accuse, condemn (see ATTAIN (Cf. attain)). For use of French infinitives as nouns, especially in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Attainder — In English criminal law, attainder or attinctura is the metaphorical stain or corruption of blood which arises from being condemned for a serious capital crime (felony or treason). It entails losing not only one s property and hereditary titles,… …   Wikipedia

  • attainder — /euh tayn deuhr/, n. 1. the legal consequence of judgment of death or outlawry for treason or felony, involving the loss of all civil rights. 2. Obs. dishonor. [1425 75; late ME, n. use of AF attaindre to convict, OF ataindre to convict, ATTAIN]… …   Universalium

  • attainder — /ateyndar/ At common law, that extinction of civil rights and capacities which took place whenever a person who had committed treason or felony received sentence of death for his crime. The effect of attainder upon such felon was, in general… …   Black's law dictionary

  • attainder — /ateyndar/ At common law, that extinction of civil rights and capacities which took place whenever a person who had committed treason or felony received sentence of death for his crime. The effect of attainder upon such felon was, in general… …   Black's law dictionary

  • attainder — [ə teɪndə] noun historical the forfeiture of land and civil rights suffered as a consequence of a sentence of death for treason or felony. Phrases act (or bill) of attainder an item of legislation inflicting attainder without judicial process.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • attainder — The state into which the offender was placed by operation of law when sentence was pronounced against him for a capital offense, by the ancient common law. The three principal incidents of attainder were forfeiture of property, corruption of… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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