- prosopic
- pro·sop·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
prosopic — a. pertaining to face. ♦ prosopography, n. description of face. ♦ prosopopoeia n. personification; speaking or acting as if by imaginary or absent person … Dictionary of difficult words
prosopic — … Useful english dictionary
Prosopon — is the Greek for face .The term is used for the self manifestation of an individual that can be extended by means of other things. For example, a painter includes his brush within his own prosopon. (Grillmeier, 126)Prosopon is the form in which… … Wikipedia
Ho-Chunk mythology — The Hocągara (Hochungara) or Hocąks (Ho Chunks) are a Siouan speaking Indian Nation originally from Wisconsin and northern Illinois, but due to forced emigration, they are also found in Nebraska, where about half the nation now lives. They are… … Wikipedia
Nestorius — /ne stawr ee euhs, stohr /, n. died A.D. 451?, Syrian ecclesiastic: patriarch of Constantinople 428 431. * * * born 4th century, Germanicia, Syria Euphratensis, Asia Minor died с 451, Panopolis, Egypt Founder of Nestorian Christianity. Born of… … Universalium
Eutychianism — • Eutychianism and Monophysitism are usually identified as a single heresy. But as some Monophysites condemned Eutyches, the name Eutychians is given by some writers only to those in Armenia Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Eutychianism … Catholic encyclopedia
Monophysites and Monophysitism — • Rejected the dual nature of Christ. Rejected by the Council of Chalcedon (451) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Monophysites and Monophysitism Monophysites and Monophysitism … Catholic encyclopedia
cho — ace·tyl·cho·line; ace·tyl·cho·lin·esterase; am·ni·o·cho·ri·on; an·cho·ress; an·cho·rit·ess; an·cho·rit·ic; an·cho·rit·ism; an·cho·veta; an·cho·vy; an·gi·o·cho·li·tis; an·ti·cho·lin·es·ter·ase; ar·cho·plasm; ar·cho·sau·ria; au·tar·cho·glos·sa;… … English syllables
dol — acar·i·dol·o·gist; ac·et·al·dol; ac·i·dol·y·sis; ac·ri·dol·o·gy; al·dol; al·dol·ase; al·dol·i·za·tion; al·dol·ize; am·i·dol; can·a·dol; can·dol·le·a·ce·ae; can·dol·le·a·ceous; cec·i·dol·o·gy; coc·ci·dol·o·gy; con·dol·ing; cu·lic·i·dol·o·gist;… … English syllables
dolichoprosopic — dol·i·cho·prosopic … English syllables