- prosopon
- pro·so·pon
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Prosopon — is the Greek for face .The term is used for the self manifestation of an individual that can be extended by means of other things. For example, a painter includes his brush within his own prosopon. (Grillmeier, 126)Prosopon is the form in which… … Wikipedia
prosopon — prəˈsōˌpän noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek prosōpon : the younger nymphal stage of an insect that undergoes an incomplete metamorphosis … Useful english dictionary
prosopon — n. [Gr. proso, forward; ponos, work] (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) The name proposed to replace surface ornament or sculpture … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Prosopon — (греч. лицо) термин, применявшийся в тринитарных и христологических спорах в ранней церкви для обозначения Божества как трех различных Лиц и Иисуса Христа как одного Лица. У этого термина отсутствовала метафизическая ясность, необходимая для… … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
PROSOPUM vel PROSOPON — PROSOPUM, vel PROSOPON insul. Asricae parva ante Carthagmem. Steph … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Trilobite — ] Highly complex compound eyes are another obvious feature of the cephalon (see below). Figure 3 shows gross morphology of the cephalon. The cheeks (genae) are the pleural lobes on each side of the axial feature, the glabella. When trilobites… … Wikipedia
Teodoro de Mopsuestia — (Antioquía, c. 350 428) fue obispo y uno de los teólogos más representativos de la escuela de Antioquía. Contenido 1 Vida 2 Escritos 3 Doctrina 3.1 Exégesis … Wikipedia Español
Donald C. Jackman — Donald Charles Jackman (* Februar 1932) ist ein US amerikanischer Mediävist. Donald C. Jackman promovierte 1988 an der Columbia University mit der Arbeit The Konradiner: a study in genealogical methodology. Er arbeitete am State College in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nestorius — /ne stawr ee euhs, stohr /, n. died A.D. 451?, Syrian ecclesiastic: patriarch of Constantinople 428 431. * * * born 4th century, Germanicia, Syria Euphratensis, Asia Minor died с 451, Panopolis, Egypt Founder of Nestorian Christianity. Born of… … Universalium
Person — • Discusses (1) the definition of person , especially with reference to the doctrine of the Incarnation; and (2) the use of the word persona and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… … Catholic encyclopedia