- proto-indo-european
- pro·to-indo-european
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Proto-Indo-European — (often abbreviated PIE) may refer to: Proto Indo European language, the hypothetical common ancestor of the Indo European languages. Proto Indo Europeans, the hypothetical speakers of the reconstructed Proto Indo European language. This… … Wikipedia
Proto-Indo-European — [prōt′ō in′dō yoor΄ə pē′ən] n. the hypothetical language, reconstructed by modern linguists, from which the INDO EUROPEAN languages are thought to have descended adj. of Proto Indo European: Abbrev. PIE … English World dictionary
proto-indo-european — I. “+ noun Usage: capitalized P&I&E : the assumed ancestral language of the Indo European languages II. adjective Usage: usually capitalized P&I&E : of or relating to Proto Indo European * * * ˌProto ˌIndo ˌEuroˈpean 7 [Proto Indo European … Useful english dictionary
Proto-Indo-European — 1. noun a) The hypothetical ancestor language or protolanguage of most European and Indian languages. b) A person who spoke the Proto Indo European language. 2. adjective Of or pertaining to the Proto Indo European language, or the people who… … Wiktionary
Proto-Indo-European — /proh toh in doh yoor euh pee euhn/, n. 1. the unattested prehistoric parent language of the Indo European languages; Indo European. adj. 2. of or pertaining to Proto Indo European. * * * … Universalium
Proto-Indo-European morphology — *Indo European ablaut *Proto Indo European noun *Proto Indo European numerals *Proto Indo European pronouns and particles *Proto Indo European root *Proto Indo European verbee also*Proto Indo European phonology … Wikipedia
Proto-Indo-European accent — refers to the accentual system of Proto Indo European language.Proto Indo European (PIE) is reconstructed to have a pitch accent system that is usually described as a free tonal accent. This means that at most one syllable in a word was… … Wikipedia
Proto-Indo-European noun — Proto Indo European nouns were declined for eight cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, ablative, locative, vocative). There were three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter.There are two major types of declension,… … Wikipedia
Proto-Indo-European pronouns and particles — have been reconstructed by modern linguists based on similarities found across all Indo European languages. The following article lists and discusses their hypothesized forms.PronounsPIE pronouns are difficult to reconstruct due to their variety… … Wikipedia
Proto-Indo-European language — PIE redirects here. For other uses, see PIE (disambiguation). Indo European topics Indo European languages (list) Albanian · Armenian · Baltic Celtic · Germanic · Greek Indo Ira … Wikipedia
Proto-Indo-European religion — The chariot, as a symbol of social rank and military strength but also mythologically as the sun chariot (Trundholm sun chariot pictured, Nordic Bronze Age, ca. 160 … Wikipedia