- pseudaposematic
- pseud·aposematic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pseudaposematic — /pseudoaposematic color Mimicry of coloration or form of another organism possessing dangerous or disagreeable qualities; Batesian mimicry; allosematic color; see sematic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pseudaposematic — a. imitating in colour, etc., a dangerous animal … Dictionary of difficult words
pseudaposematic — (|)süd+ adjective Etymology: pseud + aposematic : imitating in coloration or form another animal having dangerous or disagreeable qualities … Useful english dictionary
Animal colouration — has been a topic of interest and research in biology for well over a century. Colours may be cryptic (functioning as an adaptation allowing the prevention of prey detection; aposematic (functioning as a warning of unprofitability) or may be the… … Wikipedia
Batesian mimicry — A form of deceptive mimicry in which a palatable species assumes the appearance of a species distasteful or poisonous to a predator; false warning color; allosematic color; pseudaposematic color; see Mullerian mimicry … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pseudoaposematic colors — see pseudaposematic colors … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sematic — adj. [Gr. sema, sign] Functioning as a warning of danger, as signalling colors of insects, or disagreeable odors of certain poisonous or dangerous animals; see allosematic, antiaposematic, aposematic, parasematic, pseudosematic, episematic,… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
warning coloration — Conspicuous colors of invertebrates causing predators to ignore them as food, either because they are poisonous or distasteful or because they are mimicking organisms possessing disagreeable qualities; see sematic, aposematic, pseudaposematic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology