- pseudoraphe
- pseu·do·raphe
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pseudoraphe — “+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from pseud + raphe : an axial area on the valve of various diatoms that lacks markings but simulates the true raphe … Useful english dictionary
Achnanthaceae — Systematik Reich: Protisten (Protista) Unterreich: Stramenopile (Stramenopila) Abteilung: Kieselalgen (Bacillariophyta) Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
centrales — sen.ˈtrā(ˌ)lēz noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Latin centrum center + New Latin ales : an order of diatoms having cylindrical disklike or even angular cells always lacking a raphe or pseudoraphe and having radial… … Useful english dictionary
pennales — pəˈnā(ˌ)lēz noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Latin penna feather + New Latin ales : an order of diatoms having a raphe or pseudoraphe and ornamentation of the valves always bilaterally arranged in relation to a line… … Useful english dictionary