- pteroic
- pte·ro·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pteroic acid — [tə rō′ik] n. 〚ult. < Gr pteron, FEATHER, wing (because found in pigments in butterfly wings) + IC〛 a crystalline acid, C14H12N6O3, which can react with glutamic acid to form folic acid * * * … Universalium
pteroic acid — [tə rō′ik] n. [ult. < Gr pteron, FEATHER, wing (because found in pigments in butterfly wings) + IC] a crystalline acid, C14H12N6O3, which can react with glutamic acid to form folic acid … English World dictionary
pteroic acid — təˈ]rōik , (ˈ)te|] noun Etymology: pteroic from pterin + oic : a crystalline amino acid H2NC6HN4(OH)CH2NHC6H4COOH derived from para aminobenzoic acid and pteridine and formed along with glutamic acid by hydrolysis of folic acid or other… … Useful english dictionary
pteroic — … Useful english dictionary
pteroic acid — A constituent of folic acid, containing p aminobenzoic acid and pteridine linked by a –CH2– group between the amino group of the former and C 6 of the latter. * * * pte·ro·ic acid tə .rō ik n a crystalline amino acid C14H12N6O3 formed with… … Medical dictionary
pteroyl — ˈtərəwə̇l, ˌwil noun ( s) Etymology: pter (in pteroic acid) + yl : the radical (C13H11N6O)CO− of pteroic acid … Useful english dictionary
Folic acid — One of the B vitamins that is a key factor in the synthesis (the making) of nucleic acid (DNA and RNA). A deficiency of folic acid after birth causes a kind of anemia, namely, megaloblastic anemia in which there is a paucity of red blood cells… … Medical dictionary
pteridine — Azinepurine; benzotetrazine; pyrazino[2,3 d]pyrimidine; a two ring heterocyclic compound found as a component of pteroic acid and the pteroylglutamic acids (folic acids, pteropterin, etc.); simple p. derivatives ( e.g., xanthopterin, leucopterin) … Medical dictionary
pteroylglutamic acid — n. = FOLIC ACID. Etymology: pteroic acid + YL + GLUTAMIC (ACID) … Useful english dictionary
rhizopterin — rīˈzäptərə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: rhiz + pterin : a pale yellow crystalline aldehydo amino acid C15H12N6O4 obtained in the fumaric acid fermentation by a black mold (Rhizopus nigricans) that promotes the growth of several streptococci : a formyl… … Useful english dictionary