- punditic
- pun·dit·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
punditic — … Useful english dictionary
pundit — punditic, adj. punditically, adv. /pun dit/, n. 1. a learned person, expert, or authority. 2. a person who makes comments or judgments, esp. in an authoritative manner; critic or commentator. 3. pandit. [1665 75; < Hindi pandit < Skt pandita… … Universalium
erudite — adj 1. learned, scholarly, punditic, wise, sage, profound, deep; well versed, knowledgeable, literate, literary, well read, lettered; educated, well educated, well instructed, well tutored, well schooled, well posted, well grounded. 2. academic,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
intellectual — adj 1. mental, cognitive, cerebral; abstract, metaphysical, transcendental. 2. intelligent, brainy, profound, gifted, well endowed, talented; cognoscitive, academic, educated, •well instructed, well schooled; erudite, knowledgeable, learned,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
knowledgeable — adj 1. erudite, punditic, scholarly, academic, educated, well educated; cultured, learned, Archaic. studied, literate, lettered, versed, well read, well informed; intelligent, brainy, sharp, understanding. 2. aware, appreciative, appreciatory,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
learned — adj 1. erudite, punditic, wise, sage, scholarly, knowledgeable, Archaic. intelligent of; cultured, literate, lettered, versed, well read, well informed, (usu. disparagingly) know it all, Archaic. studied; educated, well educated, well schooled,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
literary — adj 1. written, of writing, of books, of literature, of letters, of belles lettres; published, printed, in print, in black and white, of the printed word. 2. versed, well versed, conversant, well read, book learned, lettered, cultured, cultivated … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
literate — adj 1. educated, book learned, schooled, instructed, tutored, trained, able to read and write; well educated, well schooled, well instructed, well tutored, well informed, Archaic. studied; knowledgeable, erudite, punditic, scholarly. 2. literary … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
scholarly — adj academic, scholastic, intellectual, highbrow, highbrowed, Inf. long haired, intelligent, Inf. brainy; studious, bookish, bibliophilistic, bibliophilic; ivory towerish, pedagoguish, professorial, pedantic. Inf. know it all; erudite, learned,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
scientific — adj 1. physical, natural, technological, technical, sciential, Rare. philosophical. 2. scholarly, academic, learned, erudite, punditic, scientistic. 3. systematic, systematical, orderly, ordered, regular, regulated, controlled; methodical,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder