- purpart
- pur·part
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
purpart — Purparty Pur par ty, n. [OF. pourpartie; pour for + partie a part; cf. OF. purpart a respective part.] (Law) A share, part, or portion of an estate allotted to a coparcener. [Written also {purpart}, and {pourparty}.] [1913 Webster] I am forced to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
purpart — /perr pahrt/, n. Law. a purparty. [ < ML purpart (s. of purpars) < OF pur for + L part PART] * * * … Universalium
purpart — ˈpərˌpärt noun Etymology: Medieval Latin purpart , purpars, from Old French pur for + Latin part pars part, portion : purparty … Useful english dictionary
purpart — n. share of an inheritance that has been divided among several coheirs … English contemporary dictionary
purpart — /parpart/ A share; a part in a division; that part of an estate, formerly held in common, which is by partition allotted to any one of the parties. The word was anciently applied to the shares falling separately to co parceners upon a division or … Black's law dictionary
purpart — That part of an estate, which, having been held in common, is by partition allotted to anyone of the parties to it. Seiders v Giles, 141 Pa 93, 101, 21 A 514 … Ballentine's law dictionary
pourparty — Purparty Pur par ty, n. [OF. pourpartie; pour for + partie a part; cf. OF. purpart a respective part.] (Law) A share, part, or portion of an estate allotted to a coparcener. [Written also {purpart}, and {pourparty}.] [1913 Webster] I am forced to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Purparty — Pur par ty, n. [OF. pourpartie; pour for + partie a part; cf. OF. purpart a respective part.] (Law) A share, part, or portion of an estate allotted to a coparcener. [Written also {purpart}, and {pourparty}.] [1913 Webster] I am forced to eat all… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
part — An integral portion, something essentially belonging to a larger whole; that which together with another or others makes up a whole. First Mechanics Nat. Bank of Trenton v. Norris, 134 N.J.Eq. 229, 34 A.2d 746, 749. A portion, share, or purpart.… … Black's law dictionary
perpars — /parparz/ L. Lat. A purpart; a part of the inheritance … Black's law dictionary