- pycnodont
- pyc·no·dont
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Pycnodont — Pyc no*dont, n. [Gr. ? thick, crowded + ?, ?, a tooth.] (Paleon.) Any fossil fish belonging to the Pycnodontini. They have numerous round, flat teeth, adapted for crushing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pycnodont — I. ˈpiknəˌdänt adjective Etymology: New Latin Pycnodontidae : of or relating to the Pycnodontidae II. noun ( s) : a fish or fossil of the family Pycnodontidae … Useful english dictionary
Pycnodontiformes — Lebensbild von Gyrodus hexagonus. Fossilien dieses pflasterzähnigen Gyrodontiden finden sich in den oberjurassischen Plattenkalken von Solnhofen Zeitraum Obertrias bis … Deutsch Wikipedia
arcocentrum — the cartilaginous arch and its base in the vertebrae of Elasmobranchii. Also used in Pycnodont Actinopterygii (Poyato Ariza and Wenz, 2002) … Dictionary of ichthyology
holostean — ▪ fish Introduction any member of a group of primitive bony fishes (bony fish) that make up one of the three major subdivisions of the superclass Actinopterygii (ray finned fishes). Holosteans are represented today by the bowfins (bowfin)… … Universalium
Gornogomphodon — Temporal range: Carnian age, Late Triassic … Wikipedia
bufonite — ˈbyüfəˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: Latin bufon , bufo toad + English ite : a fossil consisting of the petrified teeth and palatal bones of pycnodont fishes see toadstone … Useful english dictionary
pycnodonti — ˌpiknəˈdän.ˌtī noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Pycnodont , Pycnodus in some classifications : an order or other group coextensive with the family Pycnodontidae … Useful english dictionary
pycnodontidae — äntəˌdē noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Pycnodont , Pycnodus, type genus (from pycn + odont , odus) + idae : a large family that is segregated in the order Pycnodonti or now more usually included in Cycloganoidei and… … Useful english dictionary
pycnodontoid — I. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|dän.ˌtȯid adjective Etymology: New Latin Pycnodont , Pycnodus + English oid : resembling or related to the family Pycnodontidae II. noun ( s) : a pycnodontoid fish or fossil … Useful english dictionary