- pyrognomic
- py·ro·gno·mic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Pyrognomic — materials are easily made incandescent. Minerals and metals commonly glow when heated, but those that are pyrognomic glow at much lower temperatures. Allanite and gadolinite are examples of pyrognomic minerals. The term was introduced by Scheerer … Wikipedia
pyrognomic — a. easily made incandescent. ♦ pyrognostic, a. pertaining to, of characteristics produced by, heat, especially as shown by blowpipe analysis … Dictionary of difficult words
pyrognomic — |pīrə|nōmik, rəg|n , näm adjective Etymology: pyr + Greek gnōmon knower, discerner, index + English ic more at gnomon : readily becoming incandescent when heated due to rapid exothermic recrystallization used of metamict minerals (as gadolinite) … Useful english dictionary
Allanite — from the Mt. Isa – Cloncurry area, Queensland, Australia (scale bar 1 inch) General … Wikipedia