- qualifyingly
- qual·i·fy·ing·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
qualifyingly — adv. restrictively, in a limiting manner, in a moderating manner … English contemporary dictionary
qualifyingly — adverb see qualifying … Useful english dictionary
qualify — qualificatory /kwol euh fi keuh tawr ree, tohr ee/, adj. qualifyingly, adv. /kwol euh fuy /, v., qualified, qualifying. v.t. 1. to provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials, etc.; make competent: to qualify oneself for a job … Universalium
qualify — [kwôl′ə fī΄, kwäl′ə fī΄] vt. qualified, qualifying [Fr qualifier < ML qualificare < L qualis, of what kind (see QUALE) + facere, to make, DO1] 1. to describe by giving the qualities or characteristics of 2. to make fit for an office,… … English World dictionary