

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Rajput — constitute one of the major Hindu Kshatriya groups from India. They claim descent from ancient royal warrior dynasties of Kshatriyas. They are identified with the word Rajanya found in ancient Indian literature and trace their roots to Rajputana …   Wikipedia

  • Rajput — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Abreviatura científica del botánico M. T. M. Rajput Rajput es uno de los principales grupos de guerreros chatrías de la India. Afirman que son descendientes de las dinastías de reyes chatrías de la antigüedad. Se… …   Wikipedia Español

  • RAJPUT — R JP 樓 Castes guerrières de l’Inde, traditionnellement classées comme Kshatriya dans la hiérarchie des castes, les Rajput (R jput) remontent, pour la plupart, aux envahisseurs venus de haute Asie qui se sont succédé en Inde au début de notre ère …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Râjput — Un Râjput Les Râjputs fils de prince, de râja (prince) et putra (fils) forment la majorité des habitants du Rajasthan, autrefois le Râjputâna, et une partie de celle du Goujerat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rajput — [räj′po͞ot΄] n. [Hindi rājpūt, prince < Sans rājaputra < rājan, king (see RAJAH) + putra, son < IE base * pu , small, child > POULTRY] a member of a Hindu people, a former ruling caste of northern India: also sp. Rajpoot …   English World dictionary

  • Rajput — /rahj pooht/, n. a member of a Hindu people claiming descent from the ancient Kshatriya, or warrior caste, and noted for their military spirit. [ < Hindi, equiv. to Skt raj king (see RAJ) + putra son] * * * Any member of a caste of landowners… …   Universalium

  • Rajput — Un Râjput Les Rajputs fils de prince, de râja (prince) et putra (fils) forment la majorité des habitants du Rajasthan, autrefois le Râjputâna, et une partie de celle du Goujerat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rajput — Los Rajput o Rajputas son un pueblo de la India que vive mayoritariamente en Rajasthan ● Bandera nacional La bandera nacional de los Rajput es negra con un sol de oro …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Rajput — Rajpoot Raj poot , Rajput Raj put (r[aum]j p[=oo]t ), n. [Hind. r[=a]j p[=u]t, Skr. r[=a]ja putra king s son.] A Hindoo of the second, or royal and military, caste; a Kshatriya; especially, an inhabitant of the country of Rajpootana, in northern… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rajput — or Rajpoot noun Etymology: Hindi & Urdu rājpūt, from Sanskrit rājaputra king s son, from rājan king + putra son more at few Date: 1598 a member of a dominant military caste of northern India …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Rajput — /ˈradʒpʊt/ (say rahjpoot) noun 1. a member of a Hindu people claiming descent from the ancient Kshatriya or warrior caste and noted for their military spirit. –adjective 2. of or relating to this people. Also, Rajpoot. {Hindi rājput, from rāj… …  

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