- realia
- re·a·lia
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Realia — is a term used in library science and education to refer to certain real life objects. In library classification systems, realia are objects such as coins, tools, and textiles that do not easily fit into the orderly categories of printed material … Wikipedia
realia — ● realia nom féminin (latin médiéval realia, les choses réelles) Unité lexicale qui désigne une réalité particulière à telle ou telle culture. ⇒REALIA, subst. fém. plur. LINGUISTIQUE A. ,,Objets existants du monde perçus ou considérés… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Realia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda REALIA es un Grupo Inmobiliario fundado en el año 2000 producto de la integración del Patrimonio, las actividades inmobiliarias y el equipo de profesionales de FCC y Caja Madrid. Actualmente, la cartera patrimonial… … Wikipedia Español
realia — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. nmos, blp, D. realiaów {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} rzeczy realne, zgodne ze stanem obiektywnym; stan rzeczywisty, obiektywne uwarunkowania : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Przedstawić realia… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
realia — 1952, neuter plural of L.L. realis actual, real (see REAL (Cf. real) (adj.)) … Etymology dictionary
realia — [rē ā′lē ə, rē al′ē ə] n. [LL, neut. pl. of realis, real] real things, as the objects associated with everyday life in a culture, esp. as distinguished from theories based on such things … English World dictionary
realia — blp, D. realialiów «rzeczy realne, realnie istniejące, konkretne; w dziele literackim, artystycznym: elementy tła historycznego, społecznego, obyczajowego itp.» Realia starożytności. Realia obyczajowe w utworze literackim. ‹n. łac. ze śrdwłc.› … Słownik języka polskiego
realia — /ree ay lee euh, al ee euh, ray ah lee euh/, n.pl. 1. Educ. objects, as coins, tools, etc., used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living. 2. Philos. things that are real. [1945 50; < LL realia real (things), neut. pl. of REALIS; see REAL1] * * … Universalium
realia — Material culture, or objects from real life, in contrast to those objects typically included in a collection. A piece of realia draws attention either because it is a common example of its kind as an exemplum rather than as an exemplar or… … Glossary of Art Terms
realia — noun plural Etymology: Late Latin, neuter plural of realis real Date: 1937 objects or activities used to relate classroom teaching to the real life especially of peoples studied … New Collegiate Dictionary
realia — noun Objects from real life or from the real world, as opposed to theoretical constructs or fabricated examples; especially, such objects used as instructional or classroom aids … Wiktionary