

English syllables. 2014.

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  • responsary — n(t)sərē noun ( es) Etymology: response + ary : responsory, response …   Useful english dictionary

  • John Sheppard (composer) — John Sheppard (c.1515 ndash; December 1558) was an English singer and composer. BiographyIn 1554 he supplicated, apparently unsuccessfully, for the degree of Doctor of Music at Oxford University, stating that he had studied music for 20 years and …   Wikipedia

  • Gallican rite — The Gallican Rite is a historical sub grouping of the Roman Catholic liturgy in western Europe; it is not a single rite but actually a family of rites within the Western Rite which comprised the majority use of most of Christianity in western… …   Wikipedia

  • Amos Bull — (1744 1825 [Amos Bull (1744 1825) Author, Kroeger, By. Publisher, Garland Publishing. Published 1996] ) was one of the first Ameican composers. [ Composer Timeline.htm American Composer Timeline] In 1795 …   Wikipedia

  • The Gallican Rite —     The Gallican Rite     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Gallican Rite     This subject will be treated under the following six heads:     I. History and Origin; II. MSS. and Other Sources; III. The Liturgical Year; IV. The Divine Office; V. The… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Gallican Rite — The Gallican Rite is a historical sub grouping of the Roman Catholic liturgy in western Europe; it is not a single rite but actually a family of rites within the Western Rite which comprised the majority use of most of Christianity in western… …   Wikipedia

  • David Briggs (English musician) — David John Briggs (born November 1, 1962) is an English organist and composer. He started his career as a cathedral organist as Assistant Organist in Hereford Cathedral before becoming the organist of Truro and Gloucester Cathedrals. Heavily… …   Wikipedia

  • congregation — noun a) A gathering of faithful in a Christian church, Jewish synagogue, mosque or other place of worship. It can also refer to the people who are present at a devotional service in the building, particularly in contrast to the pastor, minister,… …   Wiktionary

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