rhom|ben|ce|phal|ic — «ROM behn suh FAL ihk», adjective. of or having to do with the hindbrain … Useful english dictionary
rhom|ben|ceph|a|lon — «ROM behn SEHF uh lon», noun. = hindbrain. (Cf. ↑hindbrain) ╂[< New Latin rhombencephalon < Greek rhómbos (see etym. under rhombus (Cf. ↑rhombus)) + en in + kephal head] … Useful english dictionary
rhom|bi|cal — «ROM buh kuhl», adjective. = rhombic. (Cf. ↑rhombic) … Useful english dictionary
rhom|bic — «ROM bihk», adjective. 1. having the form of a rhombus. 2. having a rhombus as a base or cross section. 3. bounded by rhombuses. 4. Chemistry. having to do with a system of crystallization characterized by three unequal axes intersecting at right … Useful english dictionary
rhom|bo|he|dral — «ROM buh HEE druhl», adjective. of, or in the form of, a rhombohedron … Useful english dictionary
rhom|bo|he|dron — «ROM buh HEE druhn», noun, plural drons, dra « druh». a solid bounded by six rhombic planes. ╂[< Greek rhómbos (see etym. under rhombus (Cf. ↑rhombus)) + hédra base] … Useful english dictionary
rhom|boi|dal — «rom BOY duhl», adjective. = rhomboid. (Cf. ↑rhomboid) … Useful english dictionary
rhom|boi|de|us — «rom BOY dee uhs», noun, plural de|i « deey». a pair of muscles that help to hold and manipulate the upper arms. ╂[< New Latin rhomboideus rhomboid] … Useful english dictionary
rhom|boid — «ROM boyd», noun, adjective. –n. a parallelogram with equal opposite sides, unequal adjacent sides, and oblique angles. –adj. shaped like a rhombus or rhomboid. ╂[< Late Latin rhomboīdes < Greek rhomb ēs < rhómbos (see etym. under… … Useful english dictionary
rhom|bus — «ROM buhs», noun, plural bus|es, bi « by». 1. a parallelogram with equal sides, usually having two obtuse angles and two acute angles; diamond. 2. = rhombohedron. (Cf. ↑rhombohedron) ╂[< Latin … Useful english dictionary