- rhu
- mor·rhu·ate;mor·rhu·ic;pyr·rhu·loxia;rhu·barb;rhu·punt;rhu·sio·path·ia;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
RHU — Eine Radionuklidbatterie, auch Radioisotopengenerator oder Atombatterie genannt, wandelt thermische Energie des spontanen Kernzerfalls eines Radionuklides in elektrische Energie um. Sie gewinnt ihre Energie aus radioaktivem Zerfall und nicht aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rhu — Original name in latin Rhu Name in other language Rhu, Row State code GB Continent/City Europe/London longitude 56.01667 latitude 4.76667 altitude 56 Population 1896 Date 2012 01 17 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Rhu, Argyll and Bute — Rhu (pronounced roo ) is a village and historic parish on the east shore of the Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. The traditional spelling of its name was Row , but it was changed in the 1920s so that outsiders would pronounce it correctly … Wikipedia
Rhu Glen Hotel Waterford (Waterford) — Rhu Glen Hotel Waterford country: Ireland, city: Waterford (Countryside) Rhu Glen Hotel Waterford The Rhu Glen Hotel Waterford is just 10 minutes drive from Waterford City and 15 minutes from New Ross. Located in a beautiful rolling countryside… … International hotels
rhu|barb|ing — «ROO bahr bihng», adjective, noun. British. –adj. (of actors) muttering sounds to simulate background noise of talk or conversation. –n. noisy talk: »The players filed off the stage, and the silence dissolved in the rhubarbing of the multitude of … Useful english dictionary
rhu|barb — «ROO bahrb», noun. 1. a garden plant with very large leaves, whose thick, sour stalks are used for making sauce or pies; pieplant. It belongs to the buckwheat family. 2. its stalks. 3. the sauce made of them. 4. a purgative medicine made from a… … Useful english dictionary
Rhu railway station — Infobox UK disused station name = Rhu (Row) other name = caption = original = West Highland Railway pregroup = North British Railway postgroup = LNER locale = Rhu borough = Argyll and Bute years = 3 August1894 events = Opened as Row years1 = 1… … Wikipedia
RHU — Registered Health Underwriter (Business » Positions) * Radioactive Heater Unit (Governmental » NASA) * Rehabilitation Hospital Ulm (Medical » Hospitals) … Abbreviations dictionary
RHU — registered health underwriter; rheumatology … Medical dictionary
RHU — Radioisotope Heater Unit NASA … Acronyms