

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Rinky Dink — is a mobile musical sound system that operates on power provided by two bicycles and solar panels. It tours the world as part of many musical festivals and parties and is a prime example of how green electricity can be generated and used to power …   Wikipedia

  • rinky-dink — said to be early 20c. carnival slang and imitative of the sound of banjo music at parades, but early records suggest otherwise. The earliest senses seem to be as a noun, maltreatment, especially robbery: So I felt and saw that I was robbed and I… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rinky-dink — ☆ rinky dink [riŋ′kē diŋk′ ] adj. [? altered < RICKY TICK] Slang shoddy, cheap, worn out, or corny n. Slang anything that is shoddy, cheap, worn out, or corny …   English World dictionary

  • rinky-dink — /ring kee dingk /, Slang. adj. 1. inconsequential, amateurish, or of generally inferior quality; small time: a rinky dink college; He plays with some rinky dink team. 2. outmoded or shabby; backward; antiquated: a rinky dink airline. n. 3. a… …   Universalium

  • rinky-dink — American, informal not important or of bad quality. We drove into a rinky dink town in rural Pennsylvania. (always before noun) This isn t rinky dink stuff it s high quality furniture …   New idioms dictionary

  • rinky-dink — [ nrjki”dirjk] mod. cheap; inferior; broken down. □ I sold my rinky dink old car yesterday. □ What a rinky dink job! I quit! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • rinky-dink — rink|y dink [ rıŋki ,dıŋk ] adjective AMERICAN INFORMAL of poor quality and not important or impressive: a rinky dink hotel …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rinky-dink — adjective Of poor or inferior quality; hokey; sloppy; chintzy; small; flimsy; inadequate. That rinky dink shelf is likely to collapse if you fill it with books …   Wiktionary

  • rinky-dink — adj Run down, old, old fashioned. The circus was really rinky dink. 1910s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

  • rinky-dink — I. ¦riŋkē¦diŋk adjective Etymology: origin unknown 1. : old fashioned 2. : small time II. noun 1. : one that is rinky dink …   Useful english dictionary

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