- risorgimento
- ri·sor·gi·men·to
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
RISORGIMENTO — Après avoir connu la gloire de l’Empire romain, puis la primauté de l’Italie pontificale du Moyen Âge, l’élite de la péninsule aspire, au XIXe siècle, à la réalisation de la «troisième Italie». Le Risorgimento (de risorgere : resurgir) répond,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
risorgimento — risorgiménto s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic RISORGIMÉNTO s.n. Curent în cultura şi viaţa politică italiană din sec. XIX, care propaga unitatea Italiei, libertatea şi egalitatea. [var. risorgiment s.n. / < it … Dicționar Român
risorgimento — /risordʒi mento/ s.m. [der. di risorgere ]. [il risorgere, il rifiorire: r. delle lettere ] ▶◀ rifioritura, (lett.) rinascenza, rinascita, ripresa, risveglio. ◀▶ decadenza, declino, tramonto … Enciclopedia Italiana
risorgimento — (n.) 1889, movement which led to the unification and independence of Italy, Italian, lit. uprising (of Italy against Austria, c.1850 60), from risorgere, from L. resurgere (see RESURGENT (Cf. resurgent)) … Etymology dictionary
Risorgimento — (izg. risordžimȇnto) m DEFINICIJA pov. pokret za oslobođenje i ujedinjenje Italije, od kraja 18. do pred kraj 19. st. ETIMOLOGIJA tal.: preporod … Hrvatski jezični portal
Risorgimento — [rē sôr΄jē men′tō] n. [It, resurrection] the 19th cent. movement for the liberation and unification of Italy, or the period of this … English World dictionary
Risorgimento — Einigung Italiens (1815 bis 1870) nach dem Wiener Kongress die Jahreszahl bei den einzelnen Regionen gibt den Anschluss der jeweiligen Region an das Königreich Sardinien Piemont bzw. Italien an (historisch politische Landkarte aus Putzger… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Risorgimento — Italy s revolutionary movement for national unification, generally known as the Risorgimento, was one of Italian cinema s favorite themes from its very inception. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that Italian cinema was, quite literally,… … Guide to cinema
Risorgimento — Italy s revolutionary movement for national unification, generally known as the Risorgimento, was one of Italian cinema s favorite themes from its very inception. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that Italian cinema was, quite literally,… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Risorgimento — Le Risorgimento (mot italien signifiant « renaissance »[1],[2] ou « résurrection ») est la période de l’histoire d’Italie dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle au terme de laquelle les rois de la maison de Savoie… … Wikipédia en Français
Risorgimento — /ri zawr jeuh men toh, sawr /; It. /rddee zawrdd jee men taw/, n., pl. Risorgimentos, It. Risorgimenti / tee/ for 2. 1. the period of or the movement for the liberation and unification of Italy 1750 1870. 2. (l.c.) any period or instance of… … Universalium