- ro-hittite
- sy·ro-hittite;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hittite — [ itit ] adj. • 1884; angl. hittite, pour différencier ce peuple de la tribu cananéenne des Hétéens (1740); lat. bibl. Hethæi, hébr. Hittim ♦ Relatif aux Hittites, peuple de l Antiquité. L Empire hittite d Asie Mineure (v. 2000 à 1400 av. J. C.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hittite cuneiform — refers to the implementation of cuneiform script used in writing the Hittite language. The surviving corpus of Hittite texts is preserved in cuneiform on clay tablets dates to the 2nd millennium BC (roughly spanning the 17th to 12th centuries).… … Wikipedia
Hittite Houses — (Boğazkale,Турция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Carsi Mah. Hitit Cad. No:1, 19310 Boğazkale … Каталог отелей
Hittite — may refer to:*the Hittites, an ancient Anatolian people. *the Neo Hittite states, Iron Age successors to the Hittite people located in modern Turkey and Syria. *the Hittite language, an ancient Indo European language. *Biblical Hittites, also… … Wikipedia
Hittite — Hit tite, n. [From Heb. Khitt[=i]m Hittites.] A member of an ancient people (or perhaps group of peoples) whose settlements extended from Armenia westward into Asia Minor and southward into Palestine. They are known to have been met along the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
*hittite — ● hittite adjectif Relatif aux Hittites. ● hittite nom masculin Langue indo européenne parlée par les Hittites … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hittite — c.1600, of or pertaining to an Indo European people whose empire (c.1900 700 B.C.E.) covered much of modern Turkey and Syria, from Heb. Hitti Hittite (pl. Hittim), from Hitt. Hatti. The biblical use (Cf. Gen. xv.20, etc.) refers to Canaanite or… … Etymology dictionary
Hittite — [hit′īt΄] n. [Heb Ḥittī (< Hittite ḥatti) + ITE1] 1. any of an ancient people of Asia Minor and Syria (fl. 1700 700 B.C. ) 2. the language of the Hittites, now extinct and considered by most authorities to be associated with Indo European: it… … English World dictionary
Hittite language — Hittite … Wikipedia
Hittite (peuple) — Hittites Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hittite. Les Hittites sont un peuple dont la langue est rattachée aux Indo Européens. Lorsque ceux ci apparaissent en Asie Mineure, au XXVIe siècle av. J. C., ils soumettent et assimilent les… … Wikipédia en Français
Hittite (langue) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hittite. Hittite Période IIe millénaire av. J.‑C. Parlée en Anatolie … Wikipédia en Français