

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Uranium — (pronEng|jʊˈreɪniəm) is a silvery gray metallic chemical element in the actinide series of the periodic table that has the symbol U and atomic number 92. It has 92 protons and 92 electrons, 6 of them valence electrons. It can have between 141 and …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium mining in the United States — declined drastically in the 1980s, but has revived since 2001 due to higher uranium prices. The average spot price of uranium oxide (U3O8) increased from $7.92 per pound in 2001 to $39.48 per pound in 2006. [Department of Energy s [http://www.eia …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium depletion — is the inescapable result of extracting and consuming uranium since it is a finite resource. The journal Environmental Science and Technology argues that the availability of high grade uranium ore will deplete over time making the fuel more… …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium — Protactinium ← Uranium → Neptunium Nd …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Uranium 233 — Uranium Uranium Protactiniu …   Wikipédia en Français

  • URANIUM — L’uranium (symbole U, numéro atomique 92) est un élément chimique métallique très dense (d = 19), dur, dont la couleur grise rappelle celle du nickel. Pendant les cent cinquante ans qui suivirent sa découverte, en 1789, par Martin Heinrich… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Uranium trioxide — IUPAC name Uranium trioxide Uranium(VI) oxide …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium in the environment — Uranium in the environment, this page is about the science of uranium in the environment and in animals (including humans). The legal and social issues associated with uranium are discussed elsewhere. This page is a subpage of actinides in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium mining in Colorado — Uranium mining in Colorado, United States, goes back to 1872, when pitchblende ore was taken from gold mines near Central City, Colorado. The Colorado uranium industry has seen booms and busts, but continues to this day. Not counting byproduct… …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium mining in Wyoming — Uranium mining in Wyoming, a state of the United States was formerly a much larger industry than it is today. Wyoming once had many operating uranium mines, and still has the largest known uranium ore reserves of any state in the U.S. The Wyoming …   Wikipedia

  • Uranium mining in Utah — Uranium mining in Utah, a state of the United States, has a history going back more than 100 years. Uranium started as a byproduct of vanadium mining about 1900, became a byproduct of radium mining about 1910, then back to a byproduct of vanadium …   Wikipedia

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