- rosacea
- ro·sa·cea
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Rosacea — (IPAEng|rəʊˈzeɪʃə) is a common but often misunderstood condition that is estimated to affect over 45 million people worldwide. It affects mostly caucasians of mainly north western European descent, and has been nicknamed the curse of the Celts by … Wikipedia
rosácea — f. dermat. Afección de la piel que se caracteriza por la formación de zonas enrojecidas junto con una dilatación de pequeños vasos capilares en las zonas ricas en glándulas sebáceas, especialmente en la nariz, mejillas, frente, etc. En ocasiones… … Diccionario médico
rosacea — (n.) short for acne rosacea (1833), from fem. of L. rosaceus rose colored (see ROSE (Cf. rose)) … Etymology dictionary
rosácea — s. f. 1. [Botânica] Espécime das rosáceas. • rosáceas s. f. pl. 2. [Botânica] Família de plantas que tem por tipo a roseira. ‣ Etimologia: latim científico Rosaceae rosácea s. f. 1. [Arquitetura] Ornato em forma de rosa ou de estrela de… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Rosacea — steht für eine Pflanzenfamilie, siehe Rosengewächse eine Hauterkrankung des Gesichts, siehe Rosazea Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rosacea — Rosacea, die Rosazea … Universal-Lexikon
Rosacea — A chronic skin disease that affects the middle third of the face with persistent redness over the areas of the face and nose that normally blush: mainly the forehead, the chin and the lower half of the nose. The tiny blood vessels in these areas… … Medical dictionary
rosacea — noun Etymology: short for New Latin acne rosacea rose colored acne Date: 1876 a chronic inflammatory disorder involving especially the skin of the nose, forehead, and cheeks that is characterized by congestion, flushing, telangiectasia, and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
rosacea — /roh zay shee euh/, n. Pathol. a chronic form of acne affecting the nose, forehead, and cheeks, characterized by red pustular lesions. Also called acne rosacea. [1825 35; < NL (acne) rosacea rose colored (acne), L, fem. of rosaceus ROSACEOUS] * * … Universalium
rosacea — ro•sa•ce•a [[t]roʊˈzeɪ ʃi ə[/t]] n. pat chronic acne affecting the nose, forehead, and cheeks, characterized by red pustular lesions Also called acne rosacea • Etymology: 1825–35; < NL (acnē) rosācea rose colored … From formal English to slang
rosacea — /roʊˈzeɪsiə/ (say roh zayseeuh) noun Pathology a skin condition of the face characterised by redness caused by enlargement of the blood vessels under the skin, combined with acne like eruptions. Also, acne rosacea. {New Latin (acne) rosacea, rose …