- sassywood
- sas·sy·wood
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
sassywood — noun see sasswood … Useful english dictionary
Grebo (ethnic group) — The name Grebo (or Glebo) is used to refer to an ethnic group or subgroup within the larger Kru group of West Africa, to certain of its constituent elements, or to the Grebo language. Within Liberia members of this group are found primarily in… … Wikipedia
sasswood — /sas wood /, n. a tropical African tree, Erythrophleum suavolens, of the legume family, having a poisonous bark and hard, durable wood. Also called sassy bark, sassywood /sas ee wood /. [1895 1900; SASS(Y)2 + WOOD1] * * * … Universalium
sassy bark — /ˈsæsi bak/ (say sasee bahk) noun 1. the bark of a large African tree, Erythrophloeum guineense, used as a poison in an ordeal (def. 2). 2. Also, sassywood. the tree itself. {see sassy2} …
sassy bark — [sas′ē] [prob. of Afr orig.] 1. the bark of a leguminous African tree (Erythrophleum guineense) yielding an alkaloid, used as a substitute for digitalis, and a poison used in trial by ordeal 2. this tree: also called sassywood [sas′ēwood΄] n … English World dictionary
sas|sy — sas|sy1 «SAS ee», adjective, si|er, si|est. Informal. saucy: »Also on the bill are Bobbi Wright, a Harlem miss with a sassy voice and great ebullience (New Yorker). ╂[< sass + y1] sas|sy2 «SAS ee», noun … Useful english dictionary