- satinay
- sat·i·nay
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
satinay — |satən|ā noun ( s) Etymology: French satiné satiny : the wood of an Australian tree (Syncarpia hilii) of the family Myrtaceae resembling satiné in color and grain and being used for veneer and fine furniture … Useful english dictionary
satinay tree — /ˈsætəneɪ tri/ (say satuhnay tree) noun a tree of the myrtle family, Syncarpia hillii, with white flowers and dark pink to reddish brown timber; Fraser Island turpentine. {French satiné satiny} …
Fraser-Insel — Fraser Island (K gari) Die Fraser Insel aus der Luft Gewässer Korallenmeer Geographische Lage … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fraser Island — (K’gari) Die Fraser Insel aus der Luft Gewässer Korallenmeer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fraser Island — ▪ island, Queensland, Australia also called Great Sandy Island island off the southeastern coast of Queensland, Australia, separated from the mainland and the port of Maryborough by Hervey Bay and Great Sandy Strait. About 75 miles (120… … Universalium
Historia de la plaza Mayor de Salamanca — La historia de la plaza Mayor de Salamanca es la descripción de los sucesos, y de las transformaciones que ha sufrido esta superficie urbana ubicada en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Salamanca (España). La construcción de la plaza tal como… … Wikipedia Español
Fraser Island Retreat — (Фрейзер Айленд,Австралия) Категория отеля … Каталог отелей