- saxonize
- sax·on·ize
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
saxonize — ˌnīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Usage: sometimes capitalized Etymology: Medieval Latin saxonizare, from Late Latin Saxon , Saxo Saxon + izare ize : anglo saxonize … Useful english dictionary
anglo-saxonize — an·glo sax·on·ize … English syllables
anglo-saxonize — ˌnīz transitive verb Usage: sometimes capitalized A&S : to inculcate with characteristics considered Anglo Saxon or English … Useful english dictionary
Saxon — noun 1》 a member of a Germanic people that conquered and settled in much of southern England in the 5th–6th centuries. 2》 a native of modern Saxony in Germany. 3》 (Old Saxon) the West Germanic language of the ancient Saxons. 4》 another term for… … English new terms dictionary
Saxon — n. & adj. n. 1 hist. a a member of the Germanic people that conquered parts of England in 5th 6th c. b (usu. Old Saxon) the language of the Saxons. 2 = ANGLO SAXON. 3 a native of modern Saxony in Germany. 4 the Germanic (as opposed to Latin or… … Useful english dictionary