- babyishly
- ba·by·ish·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Babyishly — Babyish Ba by*ish, a. Like a baby; childish; puerile; simple. {Ba by*ish*ly}, adv. {Ba by*ish*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
babyishly — adverb see babyish … Useful english dictionary
baby — babyhood, n. babyish, adj. babyishly, adv. babyishness, n. babylike, adj. /bay bee/, n., pl. babies, adj., v., babied, babying. n. 1. an infant or very young child. 2. a newborn or very young animal … Universalium
babyish — adjective childish; immature. Derivatives babyishly adverb babyishness noun … English new terms dictionary
babyish — /ˈbeɪbiɪʃ/ (say baybeeish) adjective 1. of or relating to a baby. 2. infantile: babyish behaviour. 3. extremely unsophisticated; excessively silly. {baby + ish1} –babyishly, adverb –babyishness, noun …
baby — [bā′bē] n. pl. babies [ME babi, dim.: see BABE] 1. a very young child; infant 2. a person who behaves like an infant; helpless or timid person 3. a very young animal 4. the youngest or smallest in a group ☆ 5. Slang darling; honey … English World dictionary
babyish — adj. 1 childish, simple. 2 immature. Derivatives: babyishly adv. babyishness n … Useful english dictionary