- scaramouch
- scar·a·mouch
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Scaramouch — Scar a*mouch , n. [F. scaramouche, It. scaramuccio, scaramuccia, originally the name of a celebrated Italian comedian; cf. It. scaramuccia, scaramuccio, F. escarmouche, skirmish. Cf. {Skirmish}.] A personage in the old Italian comedy (derived… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scaramouch — [skar′ə mo͞osh΄, skar′əmo͞och΄] n. [Fr Scaramouche < It Scaramuccia, lit., a SKIRMISH] 1. a stock character in old Italian comedy, depicted as a braggart and poltroon 2. [s ] a boastful coward or rascal … English World dictionary
scaramouch — or scaramouche noun Etymology: French Scaramouche, from Italian Scaramuccia, from scaramuccia skirmish Date: 1662 1. capitalized a stock character in the Italian commedia dell arte that burlesques the Spanish don and is characterized by… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Scaramouch — /skar euh mowch , moohsh /, n. 1. a stock character in commedia dell arte and farce who is a cowardly braggart, easily beaten and frightened. 2. (l.c.) a rascal or scamp. Also, Scaramouche. [1655 65; < F Scaramouche < It Scaramuccia, proper use… … Universalium
Scaramouch — n. character portrayed as being a shady and untrustworthy servant in Italian theater adj. shady, untrustworthy … English contemporary dictionary
scaramouch — [ skarəmaʊtʃ, mu:tʃ] noun archaic a boastful but cowardly person. Origin C17: from Ital. Scaramuccia, the name of a stock character in Ital. farce, from scaramuccia skirmish … English new terms dictionary
scaramouch — n. 1. Buffoon, harlequin, clown, zany. 2. Poltroon, braggadocio, braggart … New dictionary of synonyms
Scaramouch — Scar•a•mouch or Scar•a•mouche [[t]ˈskær əˌmaʊtʃ, ˌmuʃ[/t]] n. sbz a stock character in commedia dell arte and farce who is a cowardly braggart, easily vanquished • Etymology: 1655–65; < F Scaramouche < It Scaramuccia, proper use of… … From formal English to slang
Scaramouch — /ˈskærəmuʃ/ (say skaruhmoohsh), / mutʃ/ (say moohch), / maʊtʃ/ (say mowch) noun 1. a stock character in Italian comedy and farce, a cowardly braggart who is constantly beaten by Harlequin. 2. (lower case) a rascal or scamp. Also, Scaramouche.… …
scaramouch(e) — n. boastful coward in Commedia dell Arte; ne er do well … Dictionary of difficult words