- schol
- schol·ar;schol·arch;schol·ar·dom;schol·ar·ism;schol·ar·less;schol·ar·li·ly;schol·ar·li·ness;schol·ar·ship;schol·ar·ly;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
schol. — schol., scholium … Useful english dictionary
schol|ar|ly — «SKOL uhr lee», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. of a scholar; like that of a scholar: »scholarly habits. Spectacles gave her a scholarly look. 2. fit for a scholar: »the scholarly retreat of one s study. 3. having much knowledge; learned; erudite:… … Useful english dictionary
schol|ar — «SKOL uhr», noun. 1. a learned person; person having much knowledge: »The professor was a famous Latin scholar. To talk in public, to think in private, to read and to hear, to inquire and answer inquiries, is the business of a scholar (Harper s) … Useful english dictionary
schol|arch — «SKOL ahrk», noun. the head of a school, especially of a school of philosophy in ancient Athens. ╂[< Greek scholárchēs < schol (see etym. under school1) (Cf. ↑school) + árchein to lead] … Useful english dictionary
schol|ar|li|ness — «SKOL uhr lee nihs», noun. scholarly quality or character … Useful english dictionary
schol|ar|ship — «SKOL uhr shihp», noun. 1. a) the possession of knowledge gained by study; quality of learning and knowledge: »Good scholarship is more important than athletics. Scholarship,…education, in a country like ours, is a branch of statesmanship… … Useful english dictionary
SCHOL — scholae, scholam … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
schol — Scholarship … A concise dictionary of English slang
schol·ar — /ˈskɑːlɚ/ noun, pl ars [count] 1 : a person who has studied a subject for a long time and knows a lot about it : an intelligent and well educated person who knows a particular subject very well a biblical/classical/literary/Shakespearean scholar… … Useful english dictionary
schol·ar·ly — … Useful english dictionary