- sciosophist
- sci·os·o·phist
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
sciosophist — sīˈäsəfə̇st noun ( s) : an accepter or propounder of sciosophy … Useful english dictionary
sciosophy — sciosophist, n. /suy os euh fee /, n., pl. sciosophies. supposed knowledge of natural or supernatural phenomena or forces, usually based on tradition, as astrology or phrenology. [ < Gk skio (comb. form of skiá shadow) + SOPHY] * * * … Universalium
sciosophy — fē noun ( es) Etymology: sci + sophy : pretended knowledge of natural or supernatural forces systematized by tradition or imaginative invention * * * sciosophist, n. /suy os euh fee /, n., pl. sciosophies. supposed knowledge of natural or… … Useful english dictionary