

English syllables. 2014.

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  • semihardy — /sem ee hahr dee, sem uy /, adj. Hort. partially hardy; able to survive moderately low temperatures: semihardy plants. [1900 05; SEMI + HARDY1] * * * …   Universalium

  • semihardy — “+ adjective Etymology: semi + hardy : capable of withstanding a moderately low temperature : half hardy * * * /sem ee hahr dee, sem uy /, adj. Hort. partially hardy; able to survive moderately low temperatures: semihardy plants. [1900 05; SEMI + …   Useful english dictionary

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  • London — /lun deuhn/, n. 1. Jack, 1876 1916, U.S. short story writer and novelist. 2. a metropolis in SE England, on the Thames: capital of the United Kingdom. 3. City of, an old city in the central part of the former county of London: the ancient nucleus …   Universalium

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