- sentiment
- sen·ti·ment
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
SENTIMENT — «Le cœur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît point; on le sait en mille choses.» Ces mille choses sont ce que nous appelons nos sentiments. Et, comme l’exprime bien la phrase de Pascal, ceux ci nous apparaissent à la fois comme irremplaçables … Encyclopédie Universelle
sentiment — Sentiment. s. m. v. Impression que font les objets sur les sens. Sentiment picquant, aigu. douloureux, agreable, exquis, delicat. Il sign. aussi, La fonction des sens. Il y a encore quelque sentiment dans cette partie. Il n y a plus de sentiment… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
sentiment — SENTIMÉNT, sentimente, s.n. 1. Proces afectiv specific uman, care exprimă atitudinea omului faţă de realitate; simţământ. ♦ Afecţiune. 2. Facultatea de a simţi, de a cunoaşte, de a aprecia ceva; conştiinţă. ♦ Credinţă, impresie intimă; convingere … Dicționar Român
Sentiment — Sen ti*ment, n. [OE. sentement, OF. sentement, F. sentiment, fr. L. sentire to perceive by the senses and mind, to feel, to think. See {Sentient}, a.] 1. A thought prompted by passion or feeling; a state of mind in view of some subject; feeling… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sentiment — sen‧ti‧ment [ˈsentmənt] noun [uncountable] the feelings and opinions people have about something: • The Dow Jones Index rose, reflecting market sentiment that the economy is improving. • Encouraging economic news reinforced bullish (= positive… … Financial and business terms
Sentiment — can refer to:*Feelings and emotions*Sentimentality, the literary device which is used to induce an emotional response disproportionate to the situation, and thus to substitute heightened and generally unthinking feeling for normal ethical and… … Wikipedia
sentiment — late 14c., sentement, personal experience, one s own feeling, from O.Fr. sentement (12c.), from M.L. sentimentum feeling, affection, opinion, from L. sentire to feel (see SENSE (Cf. sense)). Meaning what one feels about something (1630s) and… … Etymology dictionary
sentiment — sentìment (sentimȅnt) m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA 1. ideja, mišljenje ili odnos koji je zasnovan više na emocijama negoli na razumu; osjećaj 2. a. svojstvo onoga koji je prijemčiv na osjećaje b. emocija, ob. romantični ili nostalgični osjećaj… … Hrvatski jezični portal
sentiment — [sen′tə mənt] n. [ME sentement < OFr < ML sentimentum < L sentire, to feel, SENSE] 1. a complex combination of feelings and opinions as a basis for action or judgment; general emotionalized attitude [the sentiment of romantic love] 2. a… … English World dictionary
Sentiment — (fr., spr. Sangtimang), 1) Empfindung, Gefühl; 2) Gesinnung; 3) Meinung, Urtheil; 4) breites Halsband, gewöhnlich von Sammet, welches vornehme Damen wie ein Halstuch um den Hals trugen u. welches vorn von einem goldenen Schlosse zusammengehalten… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Sentiment — (franz., spr. ßangtimāng), Empfindung; Gesinnung, Denkart … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon