- sesquioxide
- ses·qui·oxide
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Sesquioxide — sind chemische Verbindungen, genauer Oxide, die ein Verhältnis des Metalls oder Halbmetalls zu Sauerstoff von 1 : 1,5 aufweisen (sesqui = „eineinhalbfach“). Sesquioxide mit einer stöchiometrisch genauen Zusammensetzung haben daher die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sesquioxide — Ses qui*ox ide, n. [Sesqui + oxide.] (Chem.) An oxide containing three atoms of oxygen with two atoms (or radicals) of some other substance; thus, alumina, {Al2O3} is a sesquioxide. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sesquioxide — [ses΄kwē äk′sīd΄] n. [ SESQUI + OXIDE] an oxide in which three atoms or equivalents of oxygen are combined with two of some other element or radical … English World dictionary
Sesquioxide — A sesquioxide is an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen with two atoms (or radicals) of another element. For example, aluminium oxide (aluminium2oxygen3) is a sesquioxide. Many sesquioxides contain the metal in the +3 oxidation state and the… … Wikipedia
sesquioxide — seskvioksidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė M₂O₃ atitikmenys: angl. sesquioxide rus. сесквиоксид … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sesquioxide — |seskwē+ noun Etymology: sesqui + oxide : an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen combined with two of the other constituent in the molecule ferric oxide is a sesquioxide … Useful english dictionary
sesquioxide — /ses kwee ok suyd, sid/, n. Chem. an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen and two of another element, as aluminum oxide, Al2O3. [1825 35; SESQUI + OXIDE] * * * … Universalium
sesquioxide — noun Any oxide containing three oxygen atoms for every two atoms of another element … Wiktionary
sesquioxide — the oxides of iron and aluminium that occur in soils … Geography glossary
sesquioxide — ses·qui·ox·ide .ses kwē äk .sīd n an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen combined with two of the other constituent in the molecule * * * ses·qui·ox·ide (ses″kwe okґsid) a compound of three parts of oxygen with two of another element … Medical dictionary