- shak
- hal·lan·shak·er;shak·er;shak·er·ess;shak·er·ful;shak·er·ism;shak·i·ly;shak·i·ness;shak·ing·ly;shak·ta;shak·ti;shak·tism;un·shak·able·ness;un·shak·ably;un·shak·en·ly;un·shak·en·ness;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
shak|o — «SHAK oh», noun, plural shak|os or shak|oes. a high, stiff military hat with a plume or other ornament: »His hat was a giant, moth eaten bearskin shako (New Yorker). ╂[< French schako < Hungarian csákó peaked cap; (originally) point of a c … Useful english dictionary
shak|y — «SHAY kee», adjective, shak|i|er, shak|i|est. 1. shaking: »a shaky voice, shaky handwriting. 2. liable to break down or give way; not firm solid; weak: »a shaky porch, a shaky ladder. Figurative. The movement made a start, if … Useful english dictionary
Shak|er — «SHAY kuhr», noun. 1. a person who shakes something. 2. a machine or utensil used in shaking. 3. a container, such as for pepper or salt, having a perforated top. Shak|er «SHAY kuhr», noun, adjective. –n. a member of an American religious sect… … Useful english dictionary
shak|er — «SHAY kuhr», noun. 1. a person who shakes something. 2. a machine or utensil used in shaking. 3. a container, such as for pepper or salt, having a perforated top. Shak|er «SHAY kuhr», noun, adjective. –n. a member of an American religious sect… … Useful english dictionary
Shak|ti — «SHUHK tee», noun. creative energy; vital force (in Hinduism). ╂[< Sanskrit śakti power, force] Shak|ti «SHUHK tee», noun. in Hinduism: 1. the female principle: »As Shakti, or Female Energy, she symbolizes the whole universe (New York Times).… … Useful english dictionary
shak|ti — «SHUHK tee», noun. creative energy; vital force (in Hinduism). ╂[< Sanskrit śakti power, force] Shak|ti «SHUHK tee», noun. in Hinduism: 1. the female principle: »As Shakti, or Female Energy, she symbolizes the whole universe (New York Times).… … Useful english dictionary
Shak — is a 2004 film directed by Shaheer Azizi, depicting events in the life of an Afghani man living in Pakistan. External links * … Wikipedia
Shak — abbrev. Shakespeare * * * … Universalium
Shak — abbrev. Shakespeare … English World dictionary
shak|en — «SHAY kuhn», verb. the past participle of shake … Useful english dictionary
shak|i|ly — «SHAY kuh lee», adverb. in a shaky manner … Useful english dictionary