- sia-abasia
- asta·sia-abasia;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
abasia — Inability to walk. See gait. [G. a priv. + basis, step] atactic a., ataxic a. difficulty in walking due to ataxia of the legs. * * * aba·sia ə bā zh(ē )ə n inability to walk caused by a defect in muscular coordination compare ASTASIA aba·sic ə bā … Medical dictionary
abasia — aba·sia … English syllables
astasia-abasia — asta·sia abasia … English syllables
astasia-abasia — The inability to either stand or walk in a normal manner; the gait is bizarre and is not suggestive of a specific organic lesion; often the patient sways wildly and nearly falls, but recovers at the last moment; a symptom of hysteria conversion… … Medical dictionary
asta — asta·sia; asta·sia abasia; … English syllables
astasia — Inability, through muscular incoordination, to stand. [G. unsteadiness, from a priv. + stasis, standing] * * * asta·sia ə stā zh(ē )ə n muscular incoordination in standing compare ABASIA * * * n. an inability to stand for which no physical cause… … Medical dictionary
dysbasia — 1. Difficulty in walking. 2. The difficult or distorted walking that occurs in persons with certain mental disorders. [dys + G. basis, a step] d. angiosclerotica, d. angiospastica obsolete terms meaning intermittent difficulty in walking due to… … Medical dictionary