

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Sirat — Un nom présent en Catalogne, mais surtout rencontré dans le Sud Ouest de la France. Il peut désigner celui qui est originaire du Sirat, hameau à Valence (Tarn et Garonne), ou encore des Sirats, hameau à Montaut (Ariège). Sens incertain : peut… …   Noms de famille

  • Sirat — Sira Religion religions abrahamiques : judaïsme · christianisme · islam Cet …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sırat — is., Ar. ṣirāṭ 1) Sırat köprüsü 2) esk. Yol Birleşik Sözler sırat köprüsü …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • sirat — sə̇ˈrät noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Arabic sirāṭ road : a bridge in Muslim eschatology which spans the chasm of hell and connects this world with paradise and over which according to tradition only the righteous can cross… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sirat — is. <ər.> klas. 1. Yol. 2. Dini etiqada görə cəhənnəm üzərində qurulmuş çox dar və keçilməsi çox çətin körpü; qıl körpü (guya məhşər günü adamlar bu körpünün üstündən keçməli olacaq, günahı olanlar cəhənnəmə, günahı olmayanlar isə behiştə… …   Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti

  • Sirat-un-Nabi — (Life of the Prophet) is one of the greatest and most authentic Sirah Rasul Allah (biographies) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, written in Urdu by Shibli Nomani and Syed Sulaiman Nadvi in 6 volumes. The work started through the munificence of… …   Wikipedia

  • SIRAT, RENE SAMUEL — (1930– ), rabbi and scholar, former chief rabbi of France. Sirat was born in Bone, Algeria, and received his rabbinical ordination from the Seminaire Israelite de France in 1952. In the same year he was appointed rabbi of Toulouse, remaining… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Sirat al-Mustaqim — is the Arabic term for the straight path . In an Islamic context, it has been interpreted as the right path , Islamic faith or that which pleases God . It can also refer to the Sirat al Jahim, the bridge of hell.There are five obligatory daily… …   Wikipedia

  • Sirat al-Halbiya — is a book about the history of Islam in six volumes [ [ info.php/products id/1286 Sirat e Halbiya Urdu Books, Books Islamic Goods Direct ] ] by Islamic scholar Qazi Halb Burhan ud din [… …   Wikipedia

  • sirat-ćuprija — sìrāt ćùprija ž DEFINICIJA 1. isl. opasan most, opasan put koji prema islamskom vjerovanju vodi preko pakla, preko kojega se mora prijeći da bi se došlo u raj 2. pren. reg. opasan, težak i mučan put ETIMOLOGIJA tur. sırat köprüsü …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Sirat al-Zahir Baibars — سيرة الظاهر بيبرس (life of al zahir Baibars), also known as al Sirah al Zahiriya , is a long Arabic folkloric tale that narrates the life and heroic achievements of the Mamluk Sultan al Zahir Baibars al Bunduqdari …   Wikipedia

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