

English syllables. 2014.

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  • škir — škìr interj. Mlt, Rš, škir̃ sakoma varant avis: Škìr iš tvarto! Lš. Škir̃ namo! Lp …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • skir|mish|er — «SKUR mih shuhr», noun. 1. a person who skirmishes: »Round its front played a crowd of skirmishers…flying, reforming, shrieking insults (Rudyard Kipling). 2. one of the soldiers sent out in advance of an army, as to clear the way for the main… …   Useful english dictionary

  • skir|mish — «SKUR mihsh», noun, verb. –n. 1. a brief fight between small groups: »The scouts of our army had a skirmish with a small group of the enemy. The boys had a skirmish over who would wear the cowboy hat. 2. any slight conflict, argument, or contest …   Useful english dictionary

  • skir|ret — «SKIHR iht», noun. a plant of the parsley family, formerly much cultivated in Europe for its edible tubers that taste somewhat like turnips. ╂[Middle English skirwhit, alteration by folk etymology (< obsolete skire pure + white) of Old French… …   Useful english dictionary

  • skir — I s ( et) florstunn slöja, dis, glans II adj ( t, a) genomskinlig, spröd, tunn, ömtålig …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • Robert N. Skir — is a writer best known for his work in television animation on shows including X Men, Gargoyles, , and Spider Man. He co created and served as Story Editor on programs including Transformers: Beast Machines, Extreme Ghostbusters, Godzilla, and… …   Wikipedia

  • skirsti — skir̃sti, ta, skir̃do intr. Š, Rtr, skìrsti 1. BŽ565, DŽ eižėti, skeldėti, daužėti, pleišėti: Netikus duona, kad skir̃sta Skr. Ore trošku, žemė skirsta Mš. 2. BŽ565, Grk, Skr skilti, skerdėti (apie odą): Nuo žolių ravėjimo skirsta rankos, t. y.… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • skirmish — skir|mish1 [ skɜrmıʃ ] noun count 1. ) a fight, especially one that is away from the main fighting in a war: An officer was killed in a skirmish with guerillas. 2. ) an argument or disagreement, especially a political one: a major skirmish in the …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • skirbti — skir̃bti, sta, o intr. 1. Kos151(Pn), DŽ1, Prk, Vkš pradėti rūgti, gižti, kirbti: Pradeda pienas skir̃bti, kad šilta diena Mžk. Mano pienas skir̃bsta, t. y. ima savo raugą, o tavo jau apskirbo, apgižo J. 2. DŽ trauktis, raukšlėtis. skirbti;… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • scirrhus — /skir euhs, sir /, n., pl. scirrhi /skir uy, sir uy/, scirrhuses. Pathol. a firm, densely collagenous cancer. [1595 1605; < NL < L scirros < Gk skírrhos, var. of SKÎROS hard covering, deriv. of skirós hard] * * * …   Universalium

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