- smol
- smol·der·ing·ly;smol·der;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
SMOL — (Samuel) of Derenburg (14th century), court jew to four archbishops at magdeburg , Germany; one of the earliest of the Court Jews. First mentioned in 1347, Smol was a member of a commission arbitrating a dispute between the archbishop and the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
smøl — sb., et, smøl, ene (smøleri; smølehoved) … Dansk ordbog
smol|der — «SMOHL duhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to burn and smoke without flame: »The campfire smoldered for hours after the blaze died down. 2. Figurative. to exist or continue in a suppressed condition: »The people s discontent smoldered for years before it … Useful english dictionary
smol·der — … Useful english dictionary
Wan Smol Bag — Wan Smolbag Wan Smolbag est un groupe théâtral ni Vanuatu contemporain, fondé en 1989 à Port Vila. Le nom signifie « un petit sac » en bichelamar. Il évoque la possibilité pour le groupe d être très mobile, et de se déplacer avec tout… … Wikipédia en Français
Smollett,Tobias George — Smol·lett (smŏlʹĭt), Tobias George. 1721 1771. British writer known for his adventure novels, such as Roderick Random (1748) and Peregrine Pickle (1751). * * * … Universalium
Smollett — /smol it/, n. Tobias George, 1721 71, English novelist. * * * … Universalium
smòla — smòl|a ž 〈G mn smólā〉 1. {{001f}}bot. biljni ljepljivi proizvod koji luče mnoge vrste drveća, osobito četinari [fosilne ∼e; melaminske ∼e] 2. {{001f}}pren. razg. nevolja, nesreća [imati ∼u biti onaj kojemu ništa ne uspijeva, kojemu nije uspjelo,… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
smollato — smol·là·to p.pass., agg. → 1smollare, 2smollare, 1smollarsi, 2smollarsi … Dizionario italiano
smollicabile — smol·li·cà·bi·le agg. OB che si può smollicare, che si smollica facilmente {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XVI … Dizionario italiano