- snappable
- snap·pable
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
snappable — adjective Capable of being snapped. Does anyone know what the connectors for the snappable header pins are called? Ant: unsnappable … Wiktionary
snappable — ˈsnapəbəl adjective : capable of being snapped … Useful english dictionary
snap — snapless, adj. snappable, adj. snappingly, adv. /snap/, v., snapped, snapping, n., adj., adv. v.i. 1. to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip; crackle. 2. to click, as a mechanism or the jaws or teeth coming together. 3. to move … Universalium
unsnappable — adjective Not snappable; that cannot be snapped; inseverable … Wiktionary
snap — verb (snaps, snapping, snapped) 1》 break with a sharp cracking sound. 2》 (of an animal) make a sudden audible bite. ↘(snap something up) quickly secure something that is in short supply. 3》 open or close with a brisk movement or sharp sound.… … English new terms dictionary
snap — v., n., adv., & adj. v. (snapped, snapping) 1 intr. & tr. break suddenly or with a snap. 2 intr. & tr. emit or cause to emit a sudden sharp sound or crack. 3 intr. & tr. open or close with a snapping sound (the bag snapped shut). 4 a intr. (often … Useful english dictionary