- solvate
- solv·ate
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
solvate — ● solvate nom masculin Combinaison ou association d un composé soluble avec tout ou partie des éléments constitutifs du solvant. solvate [sɔlvat] n. m. ÉTYM. 1933, Larousse; de solvatiser. ❖ ♦ Chim. Corps obtenu par solvatation … Encyclopédie Universelle
solvate — [säl′vāt΄, sôl′vāt΄] n. [ SOLV(ENT) + ATE1] Chem. a complex formed by the combining of molecules or ions of a solvent and solute vt. solvated, solvating to convert (molecules or ions) into a solvate solvation n … English World dictionary
Solvate — Solvatation Un ion sodium solvaté par des molécules d eau La solvatation est le phénomène physico chimique observé lors de la dissolution d un composé chimique dans un solvant. Lors de l introduction d une espèce chimique initialement à l état… … Wikipédia en Français
solvate — A nonaqueous solution or dispersoid in which there is a noncovalent or easily reversible combination between solvent and solute, or dispersion means and disperse phase; when water is the solvent or d … Medical dictionary
solvate — I. noun Etymology: solvent + 1 ate Date: 1904 an aggregate that consists of a solute ion or molecule with one or more solvent molecules; also a substance (as a hydrate) containing such ions II. transitive verb (solvated; solvating) Date: 1909 to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
solvate — solvation, n. /sol vayt/, n., v., solvated, solvating. Chem. n. 1. a compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute. v.t. 2. to convert into a solvate. [1900 05; SOLV(ENT) + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
solvate — v. produce a compound of a solvent and a solvate (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
solvate — solv•ate [[t]ˈsɒl veɪt[/t]] n. v. at•ed, at•ing 1) chem. a chemical compound formed by the interaction of a solvent and a solute 2) chem. to convert into a solvate • Etymology: 1900–05; solv ( ent) + ate I solv•a′tion, n … From formal English to slang
solvate — /ˈsɒlveɪt/ (say solvayt) Chemistry –noun 1. a substance formed by solvation. –verb (t) (solvated, solvating) 2. to convert into a solvate …
solvate — solvatas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Tirpiklio junginys su tirpinio molekulėmis (jonais). atitikmenys: angl. solvate rus. сольват … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
solvate Chemistry — verb sɒl veɪt (of a solvent) enter into reversible chemical combination with (a solute). noun sɒlveɪt a complex formed by solvation. Derivatives solvation noun Origin early 20th cent.: formed irregularly from solve + ate1 … English new terms dictionary