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  • Sordidness — Sor did*ness, n. The quality or state of being sordid. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sordidness — sordid ► ADJECTIVE 1) involving ignoble actions and motives. 2) dirty or squalid. DERIVATIVES sordidly adverb sordidness noun. ORIGIN Latin sordidus, from sordere be dirty …   English terms dictionary

  • sordidness — noun see sordid …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sordidness — See sordidly. * * * …   Universalium

  • sordidness — noun a) The state or quality of being sordid. b) The result or product of being sordid …   Wiktionary

  • sordidness — sor·did·ness || sÉ”rdɪdnɪs / sɔːd n. filthiness, wretchedness; baseness, grossness; vileness; selfishness …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sordidness — noun 1. sordid dirtiness • Syn: ↑squalor, ↑squalidness • Derivationally related forms: ↑squalid (for: ↑squalidness), ↑sordid • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Woodward, Bob — ▪ 2005       The reporter became the story when Plan of Attack, the latest book from legendary Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, was leaked to the Associated Press three days ahead of its scheduled release date in April 2004. The book,… …   Universalium

  • Joyce, James — ▪ Irish author Introduction in full  James Augustine Aloysius Joyce   born Feb. 2, 1882, Dublin, Ire. died Jan. 13, 1941, Zürich, Switz.  Irish novelist noted for his experimental use of language and exploration of new literary methods in such… …   Universalium

  • baseness — noun unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values • Syn: ↑sordidness, ↑contemptibility, ↑despicableness, ↑despicability • Derivationally related forms: ↑despicable (for: ↑despicability) …   Useful english dictionary

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