- spenserian
- spen·se·ri·an
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Spenserian — 1817, from Edmund Spenser (c.1552 1599), Elizabethan poet. Spenserian stanza, which he employed in the Faerie Queen, consists of eight decasyllabic lines and a final Alexandrine, with rhyme scheme ab ab bc bcc. For the origin of the surname, see… … Etymology dictionary
Spenserian — [spen sir′ē ən] adj. of or characteristic of Edmund Spenser or his writing n. 1. a follower or imitator of Spenser 2. a Spenserian stanza, or poem in such stanzas … English World dictionary
Spenserian — Spen*se ri*an, a. Of or pertaining to the English poet Spenser; specifically applied to the stanza used in his poem The Fa[ e]rie Queene. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spenserian — /spen sear ee euhn/, adj. 1. of or characteristic of Spenser or his work. n. 2. an imitator of Spenser. 3. See Spenserian stanza. 4. verse in Spenserian stanzas. [1810 20; SPENSER + IAN] * * * … Universalium
Spenserian — /spɛnˈsɪəriən/ (say spen searreeuhn) adjective 1. of or characteristic of Edmund Spenser, or of his work. –noun 2. an imitator of Spenser. 3. a Spenserian stanza. 4. verse in Spenserian stanzas …
spenserian — adj. of, relating to, or in the style of Edmund Spenser, Engl. poet d. 1599. Phrases and idioms: Spenserian stanza the stanza used by Spenser in the Faerie Queene, with eight iambic pentameters and an alexandrine, rhyming ababbcbcc. Etymology: E … Useful english dictionary
Spenserian stanza — n. a stanza consisting of eight lines of iambic pentameter and a final line of iambic hexameter (an alexandrine), with a rhyme scheme ababbcbcc, used by Spenser in The Fairie Queene … English World dictionary
Spenserian stanza — The Spenserian stanza is a fixed verse form invented by Edmund Spenser for his epic poem The Faerie Queene . Spenser intended this poem to be many thousands of Spenserian stanzas, hence its epic name, but he died before even 1/4 of his goal was… … Wikipedia
Spenserian stanza — the stanza used by Spenser in his Faerie Queene and employed since by other poets, consisting of eight iambic pentameter lines and a final Alexandrine, with a rhyme scheme of ababbcbcc. [1810 20] * * * ▪ poetic form verse form that consists … Universalium
Spenserian sonnet — noun a sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab bcbd cdcd ee • Hypernyms: ↑sonnet * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized 1st S : a sonnet in which the lines are grouped into… … Useful english dictionary
Spenserian stanza — noun a stanza with eight lines of iambic pentameter and a concluding Alexandrine with the rhyme pattern abab bcbc c the Spenserian stanza was introduced by Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene • Hypernyms: ↑stanza … Useful english dictionary