- spermatiophore
- sper·ma·tio·phore
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
spermatiophore — (ˌ)spərˈmāshēəˌfō(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin spermatium + English o + phore : a hypha that gives rise to spermatia … Useful english dictionary
pollen — Synonyms and related words: androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, male gamete, milt, protein, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte, spermatogonium,… … Moby Thesaurus
protein — Synonyms and related words: albumin, albuminoid, amino acid, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, casein, chlorophyll, chromoprotein, collagen, dipeptide, edestin, elastin, fibroin, globin, globulin, glutenin, glycoprotein, hemoglobin, histone,… … Moby Thesaurus
scum — Synonyms and related words: aerate, alluvion, alluvium, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, apply to, ash, beat, bilge, bilgewater, blanket, block, bones, breakers, canaille, canopy, carrion, cattle, chaff, cinder, clinker, cloak, clothe, cloud … Moby Thesaurus
seed — Synonyms and related words: Anlage, acorn, affiliation, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, apparentation, basis, bed, berry, bird seed, birth, blood, bloodline, branch, breed, broadcast, brood, bud, bulb, cause, children, common ancestry,… … Moby Thesaurus
semen — Synonyms and related words: androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, autacoid, bile, chalone, digestive secretion, endocrine, gall, gastric juice, hormone, intestinal juice, male gamete, milt, mucus, pancreatic juice, pollen, prostatic fluid, protein … Moby Thesaurus
sperm — Synonyms and related words: act of love, adultery, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, aphrodisia, ass, autacoid, balling, bile, carnal knowledge, chalone, climax, cohabitation, coition, coitus, coitus interruptus, commerce, congress, connection … Moby Thesaurus
spermatozoa — Synonyms and related words: androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, male gamete, milt, pollen, protein, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium, spermatic fluid, spermatid, spermatiophore, spermatium, spermatocyte,… … Moby Thesaurus
spermatozoon — Synonyms and related words: Anlage, androcyte, antheridium, antherozoid, bud, egg, embryo, germ, germen, loins, male gamete, milt, nucleus, ovum, pollen, protein, rudiment, scum, seed, semen, seminal fluid, sperm, sperm cell, spermagonium,… … Moby Thesaurus