- splic
- splic·er;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
splic|er — «SPLY suhr», noun. 1. a person who splices. 2. a device for splicing film, tape, or the like: »One of the basic tools of film editing is the splicer, on which the shots chosen by the editor are pieced together (Samuel Allen) … Useful english dictionary
gene-splic|ing — «JEEN SPLY sihng», noun. Informal. the recombination of genetic material; production of recombinant DNA: »The basic process of…gene splicing is…sufficiently developed to be a routine procedure in a properly equipped laboratory (Edwin S. Weaver) … Useful english dictionary
Cryptic splic site — cryptic splice sitesThere are four sequence elements within introns of mammalian pre mRNAs which are required for efficient splicing. These are the conserved sequence at the 5 splice junction, the invariant AG dinucleotide at the 3 splice… … Wikipedia
splicer — splic·er … English syllables
splicer — splic|er [ˈsplaısə US ər] n a machine for joining pieces of film or recording tape neatly together … Dictionary of contemporary English
splice — [[t]splaɪs[/t]] v. spliced, splic•ing, n. 1) to join together or unite (rope) by the interweaving of strands 2) to unite (timbers, spars, or the like) by overlapping and binding their ends 3) hfi mot to unite (film, magnetic tape, or the like) by … From formal English to slang
Spliceosome — Splicéosome Le spliceosome, appelé particule d épissage (en anglais, splicing), est un complexe dynamique de particules ribonucléoprotéiques (composées d ARN et de protéines) et localisé dans le noyau des cellules. Sa fonction est de s associer à … Wikipédia en Français
gene-splicing — gene splic·ing (jēnʹsplī sĭng) n. The process in which fragments of DNA from one or more different organisms are combined to form recombinant DNA. * * * … Universalium
splicing — 1. Attachment of one DNA molecule to another. SYN: gene s.. 2. Removal of introns from mRNA precursors and the reattachment or annealing of exons. SYN: RNA s.. alternative s. different ways of assembling exons to produce different mature mRNAs. * … Medical dictionary
gene-splicing — gene splic·ing jēn splī siŋ n the process of preparing recombinant DNA … Medical dictionary