- sprin
- sprin·gle;sprin·kle;sprin·kler;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
sprin|klered — «SPRIHNG kluhrd», adjective. equipped with a sprinkler system: »a modern, 6 story building, 100 per cent sprinklered … Useful english dictionary
sprin|kler — «SPRIHNG kluhr», noun. 1. a person who sprinkles. 2. a device or apparatus for sprinkling water … Useful english dictionary
sprin|kle — «SPRIHNG kuhl», verb, kled, kling, noun. –v.t. 1. to scatter in drops or tiny bits; strew: »He sprinkled sand on the icy sidewalk. SYNONYM(S): spatter, besprinkle. 2. to spray or cover with small drops or particles: »She sprinkled the flowers… … Useful english dictionary
sprin|kling — «SPRIHNG klihng», noun. 1. the act of a person or thing that sprinkles: »regular sprinkling of a lawn. 2. a small quantity sprinkled: »a sprinkling of rain. 3. Figurative. a) a small quantity or number scattered here and there: »a sprinkling of… … Useful english dictionary
sprin·kler — /ˈsprıŋklɚ/ noun, pl klers [count] 1 : a device that is used to spray water on plants or soil 2 : a device in a building that sprays water if there a is fire … Useful english dictionary
sprin·kling — /ˈsprıŋklıŋ/ noun [singular] : a small amount that is sprinkled on something She put a sprinkling of parsley on the pasta. [=she sprinkled a small amount of parsley on the pasta] often used figuratively We received only a sprinkling of… … Useful english dictionary
be|sprin|kle — «bih SPRIHNG kuhl», transitive verb, kled, kling. 1. to sprinkle all over with something: »The walls were besprinkled with holy water (Edward Gibbon). 2. Figurative: »... sloping banks besprinkled with pleasant villas (Charles Dickens) … Useful english dictionary
sprinte — sprin|te vb., r, de, t … Dansk ordbog
springti — spriñgti, sta, o 1. intr. R, N, K, L, Rtr, Š, DŽ, NdŽ negalėti nuryti, užsiryti: Taip umarniai ėda jis, kad spriñgsta ėsdamas J. Negaliu valgyt juodos duonos – springstù Pv. ^ Jeigu jau spriñgt, tai su pirmu kąsniu paspringt Rs. springtinaĩ… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
sprinkle — sprin|kle1 [ sprıŋkl ] verb * 1. ) transitive to shake small amounts of a liquid or a substance such as sugar over the surface of something: Sprinkle soy sauce on the chicken. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the pasta, and serve. a ) used about… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English