

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Squeak — Entwickler The Squeak Community Aktuelle Version 4.2 (4. Februar 2011) Betriebssystem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Squeak — est une implémentation libre du langage de programmation Smalltalk. Sommaire 1 Introduction 2 Squeak et l éducation 3 Aspects techniques 4 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Squeak — 3.9. Squeak, como la reencarnación de los proyectos Dynabook y Smalltalk de los años 70, busca ser un meta medio. Un lugar donde convivan todos los medios de expresión conocidos hasta la fecha (texto, video, sonido, música, gráficos 2D, gráficos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Squeak — Семантика: объектно ориентированная Появился в: 1996 Автор(ы): Алан Кэй, Дэн Ингаллс, Адель Гольдберг Релиз …   Википедия

  • squeak — [skwēk] vi. [ME squeken, prob. akin to ON skvakka, to gurgle] 1. to make or utter a short, sharp, high pitched sound or cry 2. [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] to act as an informer; squeal vt. 1. to utter or produce in a squeak 2. to cause (a door, etc …   English World dictionary

  • squeak´i|ly — squeak|y «SKWEE kee», adjective, squeak|i|er, squeak|i|est. 1. characterized by squeaking sounds; tending to squeak: »a squeaky window. 2. squeak …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeak|y — «SKWEE kee», adjective, squeak|i|er, squeak|i|est. 1. characterized by squeaking sounds; tending to squeak: »a squeaky window. 2. squeak …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeak — ► NOUN 1) a short, high pitched sound or cry. 2) a single remark or communication: I didn t hear a squeak from him. ► VERB 1) make a squeak. 2) say something in a high pitched tone. 3) informal succeed in achieving something by a very narrow… …   English terms dictionary

  • Squeak — Squeak, n. A sharp, shrill, disagreeable sound suddenly uttered, either of the human voice or of any animal or instrument, such as is made by carriage wheels when dry, by the soles of leather shoes, or by a pipe or reed. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squeak — (skw[=e]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Squeaked} (skw[=e]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Squeaking}.] [Probably of imitative origin; cf. Sw. sqv[ a]ka to croak, Icel. skvakka to give a sound as of water shaken in a bottle.] 1. To utter a sharp, shrill cry,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squeak — Squeak, como la reencarnación de los proyectos Dynabook y Smalltalk de los años 1970, busca ser un meta medio. Un lugar donde convivan todos los medios de expresión conocidos hasta la fecha (texto, video, sonido, música, gráficos 2D, gráficos 3D …   Enciclopedia Universal

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