- stalagmometric
- sta·lag·mo·met·ric
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
stalagmometric — stalagmométric adj. m., pl. stalagmométrici; f. sg. stalagmométrică, pl. stalagmométrice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic STALAGMOMÉTRIC, Ă adj. Referitor la stalagmometrie. [< fr … Dicționar Român
stalagmometric — adjective see stalagmometer … Useful english dictionary
stalagmometer — stalagmometric /steuh lag meuh me trik/, adj. stalagmometry, n. /stal euhg mom i teuhr/, n. Chem., Physics. an instrument for determining the number of drops, or the weight of each drop, in a given volume of liquid. Also called stactometer. [1860 … Universalium
Surface tension — For the work of fiction, see Surface Tension (short story). Surface tension is a property of the surface of a liquid that causes it to behave as an elastic sheet. It allows insects, such as the water strider (pond skater, UK), to walk on water.… … Wikipedia