- stalinist
- sta·lin·ist
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
stalinist — staliníst s. m., adj. m., pl. staliníşti; f. sg. stalinístă, pl. staliníste Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic STALINÍST, Ă adj., s. m … Dicționar Român
staliníst — a m (ȋ) pristaš stalinizma: obtožili so ga, da je stalinist; metode stalinistov … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Stalinist architecture — (also referred to as Stalin s Empire style, Stalinist Gothic, or Socialist Classicism) is a term given to architecture of the Soviet Union between 1933, when Boris Iofan s draft for Palace of Soviets was officially approved, and 1955, when Nikita … Wikipedia
Stalinist repressions in Mongolia — The Stalinist repressions in Mongolia had their climax between 1937 and 1939 (Mongolian: Их Хэлмэгдүүлэлт, Ikh Khelmegdüülelt, Great Repression ), under the leadership of Khorloogiin Choibalsan. The purges affected the whole country, although the … Wikipedia
Stalinist — noun or adjective see Stalinism … New Collegiate Dictionary
Stalinist — Josef Stalin Als Stalinismus bezeichnet man die Herrschaft Josef Stalins (1924–1953) in der Sowjetunion und in der Komintern, die – insbesondere in den 1930er und 1940er Jahren – Millionen von Opfern hervorgebracht hat, die von Stalin geschaffene … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stalinist — /stah leuh nist/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to Joseph Stalin or Stalinism. n. 2. an advocate or supporter of Stalin or Stalinism. [1925 30; STALIN + IST] * * * … Universalium
Stalinist — 1. adjective a) Of, related to, or resembling Joseph Stalin, a Bolshevik revolutionary. b) Of or related to Stalinism. 2. noun A person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism … Wiktionary
Stalinist — Sta|li|nịst 〈m. 16〉 Vertreter, Anhänger des Stalinismus * * * Sta|li|nịst, der; en, en: Anhänger, Vertreter des Stalinismus. * * * Sta|li|nịst, der; en, en: Anhänger, Vertreter des Stalinismus … Universal-Lexikon
Stalinist — Sta|li|nịst 〈m.; Gen.: en, Pl.: en; Politik〉 Vertreter, Anhänger des Stalinismus … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Stalinist — Sta|li|nist der; en, en <zu ↑...ist> Anhänger, Verfechter des Stalinismus … Das große Fremdwörterbuch