- stigmatiform
- stig·mat·i·form
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
stigmatiform — stigmatifórm adj. m., pl. stigmatifórmi; f. sg. stigmatifórmă, pl. stigmatifórme Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
stigmatiform — stigˈmad.əˌfȯrm, ˈstigməd. adjective Etymology: probably from (assumed) New Latin stigmatiformis, from Latin stigmat , stigma + iformis iform : having the form or appearance of a stigma … Useful english dictionary
stigma — n. (pl. mata ), mark; spot; stain; disgrace; mark representing wound of Christ; Botany, part of pistil, especially end of style, on which pollen germinates. ♦ stigmal, ♦ stigmatic, stigmatiform, a. ♦ stigmatize, v.t. mark with a spot … Dictionary of difficult words