- strag
- strag·gler;strag·gling·ly;strag·gly;strag·u·lum;strag·gle;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
strag — noun (dialect) A straggler • • • Main Entry: ↑straggle … Useful english dictionary
strag´gler — strag|gle «STRAG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.i. 1. to wander in a scattered fashion: »Cows straggled along the lane. SYNONYM(S): roam, range, rove. 2. to stray from the rest; wander: »to straggle from a herd. Figurative. Children…cannot… … Useful english dictionary
strag|gle — «STRAG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.i. 1. to wander in a scattered fashion: »Cows straggled along the lane. SYNONYM(S): roam, range, rove. 2. to stray from the rest; wander: »to straggle from a herd. Figurative. Children…cannot keep their… … Useful english dictionary
strag´gling|ly — strag|gling «STRAG lihng», adjective. 1. that straggles; wandering or straying: »any such casual accidental landing of straggling people from the main (Daniel Defoe). 2. wandering apart from a line of march or a main body: »straggling soldiers. 3 … Useful english dictionary
strag|gling — «STRAG lihng», adjective. 1. that straggles; wandering or straying: »any such casual accidental landing of straggling people from the main (Daniel Defoe). 2. wandering apart from a line of march or a main body: »straggling soldiers. 3. spreading… … Useful english dictionary
strag|gly — «STRAG lee», adjective. spread out in an irregular, rambling way; straggling: »straggly rhododendrons … Useful english dictionary
strag|u|lum — «STRAG yuh luhm», noun. the back and folded wings of a bird taken together as a distinguishing feature; mantle; pallium. ╂[< Latin strāgulum spread, covering] … Useful english dictionary
strag — a catch of fish (Scottish dialect) … Dictionary of ichthyology
strag·gle — … Useful english dictionary
strag·gler — /ˈstræglɚ/ noun, pl glers [count] : a person or animal that moves slower than others and becomes separated from them People waited for the stragglers to finish the race. The cowboy had to round up a few stragglers … Useful english dictionary