

English syllables. 2014.

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  • stromatous — ˈstrōməd.əs adjective Etymology: New Latin stromat , stroma + English ous : having or forming a stroma : affecting a stroma …   Useful english dictionary

  • stroma — stromatic /stroh mat ik/, stromal, stromatous, adj. /stroh meuh/, n., pl. stromata / meuh teuh/. 1. Cell Biol. the supporting framework or matrix of a cell. 2. Anat. the supporting framework, usually of connective tissue, of an organ, as… …   Universalium

  • stroma — /ˈstroʊmə/ (say strohmuh) noun (plural stromata /ˈstroʊmətə/ (say strohmuhtuh)) 1. the colourless, spongelike, framework of a red blood corpuscle or other cell. 2. the connective tissue forming the framework of an organ (contrasted with… …  

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